kids holiday hub

Our Holiday Programme is now open for bookings.
14th - 24th April 2025​
Friday 18th, Monday 20th and Friday 25th April are PUBLIC HOLIDAYs so there is no programme running those days.​​​​​​​​​​​
The School Holiday Programme activities vary each term and are suitable for 5 to 13 years.
Check out our timetable HERE!​
If the day you are wanting is showing "No Programme" this means it is already booked out.
You are welcome to send us an email and we can put you on the waiting list in case of cancellations. ​
Hours & Prices
In-Centre Day Programme: 9am-3pm – $45
Excursion Day Programme: 9am-3pm – $50
Before care available 8.30 to 9am – $5/day
After care available 3pm to 3.30pm – $5/day
Any changes to bookings or cancellations must be notified to the office one week prior to the programme commencing. Changes or cancellations made after this time will NOT receive a refund.
The organisers of this programme have adopted the OSCAR Holiday Programme “Standards & Guidelines for Holiday Programmes”. All care will be taken to provide supervision of children in accordance with these Standards & Guidelines.
Our programme is accredited through MSD to deliver OSCAR services.
Please note: From time to time, personal details may be viewed by authorised personnel for auditing purposes.
Enrolment for School Holiday Programme
Pre-enrolment for our holiday programme is essential by enroling online.
If it is your first time, you will need to register your child on the booking system first. After that, you simply login to book for the next holiday programme.

Information for Parents and Caregivers
Thank you for choosing Blockhouse Bay Community Centre School Holiday Programme. We hope your children enjoy the range of activities we plan throughout the two weeks they are with us. Please take careful note of the following to ensure their safety while they are in our care.
Any changes to bookings or cancellations must be notified to the office one week prior to the programme commencing. Changes or cancellations made after this time will NOT receive a refund.
Please provide lunch, drink and snacks for your child. There is water on site for children to refill their bottles.
If your child becomes sick and cannot attend the programme please notify the office.
No sick child will be admitted to the programme, if a child becomes ill they will be made comfortable and parents notified to collect child.
A signed permission slip is required for the excursions. Please make sure this is signed.​​
The office must be notified of any absences prior to the programme commencing on (09) 626 4980.
Daybook: Any information we need to know about your child can be written in our daybook located on table in foyer.
This includes:
a) Specific written consent for children walking home.
b) Any medical condition and medication taken.
c) Person collecting your child if different to enrolment form.
d) Any custody arrangement.
There is a written policy covering supervision, safety, behaviour management etc. Ask office staff for a copy if you wish to read it. The staff/child ratios are 1 : 8 or in some circumstances 1 : 7. or 1 : 6.
The programme will try to look after children’s property but will accept no responsibility for lost or damaged possessions.
Sun Safety policy: In summer, please provide a hat each day as the children are required to wear a hat when outside. Make sure your child is wearing shoes and appropriate sun-coverage clothing. We aim to minimize time spent in the sun during burn-time periods.
In the event of an accident or emergency, staff will perform appropriate first aid and if necessary, call an ambulance. Parents will be contacted immediately. Unless there is a serious emergency, children will not be transported in private vehicles.
In accordance with process outlined in the behaviour management policy, the supervisor reserves the right to exclude from the programme any child who is constantly disruptive, unable to follow the programme rules, or a threat to the safety of themselves or others.
Please collect your child at 3 pm.
If a person arrives to collect your child whose name is not on your enrolment form, then we are obliged (for your child’s safety) to keep your child in our care until you have been located for consent. Prior notification is required by writing information in the daybook (on table in foyer)
Each day when you collect your child, it is essential that you sign your child out on the tablet (on table in foyer). We need to know that your child has gone home safely. You will also have to sign your child in.
The programme has a detailed child protection policy, which includes the reporting of any suspected child abuse to the Dept. of Child, Youth and Family Services.
The programme has a complaints procedure. If you have any problems please approach the Main Supervisor in the first instance. Alternative, please contact the centre directly with your concerns which will be addressed promptly.
Please talk to the Main Supervisor or Centre Staff if your child has any missing items as we have a lost property box located on site.