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Craft & Coffee
10am - 12pm
Bring your craft projects to the Blockhouse Bay Community Centre to work on while connecting with fellow crafters over a cuppa.
For more information contact: 09 626 4980
The Colour Studio
4.15pm - 5.15pm
5.15pm - 6.15pm
Foster your child's artistic potential, all materials provided.
Bookings are essential so contact Pooja on 020 413 40079
The Colour Studio
11am - 12pm
Foster your child's artistic potential, all materials provided.
Bookings are essential so contact Pooja on 020 413 40079
Learn Acrylic Painting
3pm - 4pm
Adults & Children (8yrs and older)
Painting basics such as brush holding & movements.
Colour mixing techniques such as blending, layering, palette knife, splattering
Contact: 021 0776515
View our weekly timetable.
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